About Us
Pioneers in the development of Nanobubble technology
Nanogentech Ltd is a UK engineering technology company. We are pioneering the development of ultrafine bubble technology for water oxygenation and other applications.
Existing technical solutions are slow, inefficient and excessively energy consuming, with implications for operating costs as well as CO2 emissions.
Our disruptive technology provides accelerated and more efficient process delivery, as well as opening up new areas of application caused by the unique properties of nanobubbles.

Nanobubble Opportunities
Efficiency, cost and productivity gains across a number of application areas
The unique characteristics of nanobubbles present opportunities in a number of areas of application. In municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, they offer the prospect of vastly increased oxygen transfer efficiencies, similarly in aquaculture and watercourse remediation applications. Nano-aerated water has been shown to improve soil condition and associated plant health in hydroponics facilities, enhancing crop yield.
The physics
Nanobubbles lack enough buoyancy to reach the surface and instead follow Brownian motion, travelling randomly throughout the body of water into which they are introduced. The effect is that nanobubbles remain suspended almost indefinitely, allowing plenty of time for them to perform their function. This is as compared to conventional millimetre sized bubbles, which rapidly rise to the surface, transferring as little as 10-20% of their contained gas to the surrounding water.
Increased efficiency
This unique behaviour enables nanobubbles to provide a stable and homogenous distribution of oxygen throughout a water body, with prospect to dissolve over 90% of the contained gas into the surrounding water, with dissolved oxygen measured at the deepest points matching that recorded near the surface , significantly enhancing process efficiencies and saving energy.
Flexible application
Small is beautiful
Our leadership team
Over 100 years of cumulative experience
Douglas Denham St Pinnock
Email: ddp@nanogentech.com
Phone: +44 (0)7785 288554
Mike Faram
Email: mike.faram@nanogentech.com
Phone: +44 (0)7725 242115